"Breaking" a Boy - Mike's Story from Drummer


I am glad to see you have reinstated the Drummer's Daddies section in your fine magazine. I have noticed, however, that most of the correspondence is from "sons." I, on the other hand, am a "Dad," and I would sure like to see some input from some other Dads around the country sharing their ideas on methods of discipline, etc.

I guess it was a natural transition for me to become a Dad. When I turned forty, I began to notice that other guys near my own age were getting flabby, losing their hair, and getting frustrated. I was especially frustrated because I was in good shape, I had a full head of hair, and I was proud of my looks. I guess it's good country living, but the years have been pretty good to me. But these flabby encounters with guys my own age were the shits--for me, anyway. The younger guys started looking pretty damned good to me. To a few of them, I looked pretty good.

To one of them, I was the answer to a prayer. He calls me "Dad," and he likes it as hot and heavy and rough as I do. We've been together for close to two years. He's, twenty-six years old, tall, and good-looking. We work out together, and after only a few months, he developed a washboard stomach and a powerful build to go with that face of his. He's a good kid, but like any boy his age, he can sure get into trouble. When he does, I can be as rough as a dry fuck.

When it comes to discipline, l believe in taking him out to the woodshed. I know it works because it worked on me when I was a boy. I take a wooden paddle to his ass, and I give it to him the way he likes it, and the only way I know how. I give it to him hard. I don't take down his shorts, put him across my lap and give him a spanking. I don't remove my belt and give him a whipping. He's got a strong, hard butt that can take it, no matter how hot it gets.

He knows the rules. He's allowed a pair of blue jeans with a jockstrap underneath to keep his nuts up and out of the way. I've got two paddles. The "small" board is 20 inches long and 5 inches wide. The larger board is 26 inches long and 7 inches wide. Both are exactly one inch thick. Each is effective in its own way, with the larger, heavier paddle requiring both hands. Again, he knows the rules. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, I reach for one of the two boards and place it on the floor. He places one boot against each end of the paddle, bends over and grabs the ankles of his boots. The longer paddle, of course, requires that he spread his boots further. I remove the paddle from between his boots and begin the paddling. Of course, if one of his boots moves, it will cost him an additional lick. If he flinches or takes his hands from his boots to shield his ass, it's an extra lick. He knows this, but his carelessness and failure to take his licks like a man has given him an extra blister or two several times.

Now I know my methods may seem harsh to some Dads out there, and some sons may not think l could take what I dish out. I can and I have. I know what a hard lick feels like, or should feel like.

Some guys who are into heavy discipline are familiar with the term "breaking." When you "break" a guy, you spank, whip, strap, or in my case, paddle a guy to tears. Only a very few guys who are into corporal punishment are really into getting broke. As the pain approaches that level, most guys lose their fantasy and get turned off. A few guys, like my Dave, need to get broke. The fiery pain, the tears in his eyes and down his face, and the sobs in his lungs are proof to him that the discipline was real.

If you're strong enough, you can spank a guy long and hard enough with your bare hand to break him. Or you can belt him, or you can strap him. Or, if you're like me, you can take a big, thick, wide wooden paddle and break him with as few as two or three good, solid, hard licks. Remember, I'm talking very hard. These licks would be illegal in any classroom, principal's office, coach's gym, fraternity, even the Marine Corps.

Dave and I are into big licks, and while he used to break at three, his endurance increased to five. However, the fact that he breaks at five doesn't mean that's all he gets. That's just the point where he starts crying. Though there are several times when one swat is enough to keep him out of trouble, eight is a good round number of licks for that tough little butt of his. Ten, if he really pisses me off. He fucked up and earned himself fifteen once, but it, laid him out with a busted ass for a couple of days.

There's a lot I could say about what a good paddling does for Dave. It changes his attitude and does a hell of a lot for his behavior. It does a hell of a lot for me, too.

Dad into Discipline

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