CPMan's Blog

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31 August 2021:
Selection of Content for the CPMan Website

The primary focus of the CPMan website is on spanking – whacking guys' asses – with various instruments ("toys") such as paddles, belts, straps, floggers, etc. Hand spanking is included but is not a primary focus. A small portion of the content relates to other forms of corporal punishment, such as back flogging. Some forms of CP, such as whacking the soles of the feet, palms of hands, etc, are deliberately excluded because I regard them as involving too much risk of actual injury.

Although the term "punishment" is used, the focus is actually on any percussive play (whacking, beating, whipping, etc) regardless of whether it is thought of as punishment (adverse consequences for misbehavior that are designated as retribution, "correction" or prevention of future misbehavior ["teaching a lesson"]). As a matter of fact, real punishment for real-life transgressions is rarely involved although the participants may engage in shared or individual fantasies of punishment, perhaps with role-playing. A piece of writing popular in the CP community draws a sharp distinction between "punishment spankings" and "erotic spankings". Both, in this context, involve consenting adults. In my experience, there is a continuum between these levels of play; they are not sharply distinguished. I also think the word "erotic" is a bit precious; it's much more honest and direct to say "sexually stimulating", and it sounds less "prissy".

Slow, graduate build-up No build-up; hard strokes from the start
Mild-to-moderate strokes Hard, painful strokes
Slow pacing to allow the receiver to assimilate the sensations from each stroke Rapid pacing to maximize the pain
Voluntary, cooperative paradigm: Adjusts the intensity and pacing of strokes to the receiver's reactions; stops if the receiver seriously asks to end it Coercive paradigm: Ignores the receiver's reaction; continues despite the receiver's objections and requests to stop
Goal: Maximum pleasure for the receiver Goal: Maximum pain for the receiver
End: Sexual pleasure ideally leading to orgasm End: Crying, sobbing, howling, bawling

Quite a bit of the content relates not to spanking itself but to things associated with it and things that enhance the experience, such as sexy men who are recipients (called "boys" with no implication of actual youth) and "punishers" (called "tops", "topmen", "daddies," etc); sexy male asses; asses red or marked from spanking; punishment instruments; situations associated with punishment, etc. Thus, I have created the pages below:

The choice of instruments is culture-specific and differs from country to country, depending on personal experience with actual punishment, generally during childhood. I am American and grew up in the 1950s and 60s when paddles, belts, straps, and switches were commonly used. Experiences with spankings at homes, in the "woodshed", in school, and in college fraternities were common to many American boys, and they had heard tales of butt whippings in reform schools, prisons, and military settings though few actual experienced these. I must confess a bias toward traditional American instruments used in these contexts. I have played a lot in Canada and Britain and am acquainted with the instruments popular there, such as the Canadian school strap, Canadian prison strap, various types of canes, slipper ("plimsoll"), Scottish tawse, and Irish "priest" strap. I have no experience of the birch, which is popular in British CP circles though not in official use since the 1970s, when its status as an instrument of judicial punishment ended on the Isle of Man, its last bastion.

The focus of the website is primarily on non-injurious levels of "play" with the perspective that red butts are great, bruises are okay and can be a turn-on, but lacerations are inappropriate. I avoid including videos where skin is broken. As with my personal style of play, I stop at the point where blood appears – and hopefully before.

Visitors to the website will also notice a bias against over-the-knee spanking in my selection of content. Underlying this is my belief that adult men are too large and heavy to easily fit over one's knee. When spanking a man over my knee, I feel trapped – I can't easily get up and fetch a different instrument. Standing to administer punishment gives me a much greater sense of control.

But this bias is not only practical but more deeply philosophical. My focus is not on little-kid style discipline but on discipline of older boys – too big to put over the knee. And the "greasy-kid-stuff" (a phrase from TV advertising for a male hair care product from the 1960s) image also attaches to instruments like hairbrushes, wooden spoons and spatulas, etc. Though some of these can hurt a great deal, they suffer from an image problem due to their history of use on young kids. I have a similar attitude regarding auxiliary punishments such as standing in the corner, being sent to bed early, washing the mouth out with soap, etc.

This brings me around to acknowledging an orientation toward leathermen and BDSM. Although I find many S&M activities off-putting, in some ways I am closer to that community than I am to the world of kid-style discipline. Bondage is great if it's not too time consuming, doesn't become more uncomfortable than the ass whipping itself, and enables the receiver to take more "punishment" than he ordinarily would be able to.

I must admit a bias against the cane as an instrument, something I share with many Americans and which I admit makes me appear parochial. Aside from not liking the particular type of pain a cane inflicts, I object to any instrument that can break the skin so easily. Used on the seat of trousers, it's not so bad, but on the bare ass it's needlessly injurious. On the personal level, a bad experience getting caned in London in 1983 led me to vow never to let anyone cane me again. And on the other side of the ledger, I used to cane guys who wanted to get it, but in recent years I've lost my ability to use a cane with accuracy – something that is vitally important in my view, regardless of choice of instrument – and hence have given up trying to use it.

The same principle of not causing undue injury applies to switches and paddles with holes: they should not be used on the bare butt because they can too easily break skin.

My selection of materials for the website reflect these biases. There are exceptions. The videos by M2MCP, for example, frequently involve caning, but they are so good that I ignore my distaste for the cane. And as for brushes, I must acknowledge discovering that bath brushes can be used to give intense punishment and should not be rejected under the label of "greasy kid stuff".

Three of my pet peeves in the performance of tops are (1) allowing flexible instruments such as straps to wrap around and strike the side of the far butt cheek, (2) striking too high on the ass, and (3) striking on the tops of the thighs. As a top I am careful not to do these things, and as a bottom I would end a session if a top were doing that to me. Hence, in constructing the website, I have attempted to avoid web content that involves those problems, whether they reflect incompetence or, worse, bad ideas about proper practice.

Finally, there is an awful lot of crap on Spanking Tube, including many videos with tops who don't hit accurately, many where the role playing is off-putting and too time consuming, many where the guys involved waste time diddling around before getting down to business (footage that should be edited out), and many with technical problems such as poor lighting or asynchrony between the video and sound. In selecting videos for the website, I have attempted to avoid those with such problems. In some cases, I have re-edited the videos to correct these problems if the content merits such treatment.

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