Order to Report for Punishment

Boy's Name  Bobby Williams
Boy's Email Address*  bobbywilliams@gmail.com
Report to (Punisher)  Coach Steve Elliott
Punisher's Email Address*  elliott@marshall.k12.il.us
Punisher's Alternate Contact Info  121-555-1212
Infraction/Offense  Urinating in locker room shower
Date and Time of Punishment  Monday, March 15, 2010, 16:30
Location of Punishment Facility  Gymnastics room, Marshall High School (report to Coach Elliott's office)
Type of Punishment to be Administered  Corporal Punishment - Paddling
Instrument(s) to be Used  Regulation School Paddle Type 1
Punishment Parameters (e.g., Number of Licks)  12 licks (6 + 6)
Attire During Punishment  Seat of tight jeans for 6 licks, then jeans off and remaining 6 licks with jock strap (i.e., bare buttocks)
Position for Punishment  Bent over gymnast's horse
Severity Level of Punishment  Hard
Punishment Objectives - Intended Effects  Teach the boy a lesson he won't forget, make him bawl, show him what the paddle will do, prevent further infractions and serve as example to other boys
Punishment Rules in Effect  Must maintain position during punishment
Penalty for Violating Rules  Extra licks for moving
Bondage to be Used (e.g., Bound Over Horse)  No restraints
Attire boy to appear in  Tight jeans, jock underneath, white socks, plain white t-shirt, sneakers
Items for boy to provide to punisher Copy of this form signed by his father acknowledging he has seen it and is aware the boy has committed an infraction and is to be paddled.
Note:  Boy's buttocks to be swabbed with alcohol before licks on bare buttocks are given.
Other message:  Boy plead guilty to charge and chose to be paddled in lieu of a 30 day suspension from participating in any team sport. Boy's father has the right to attend the paddling. After the coach punishes the boy, the boy's father will be permitted to apply any additional discipline he deems appropriate.

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